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2008 Financial Crisis: A Ten-Year Review

A conference hosted in conjunction with Annual Reviews and the New York University Stern School of Business, the MIT Golub Center for Finance and Policy (GCFP) with sponsorship by CFA Institute Research Foundation.


Video recordings of sessions from the two-day conference reviewing the events surrounding the crisis, what has been learned since then, and the perspectives of those with expert vantage points.

8 November 2018

“Opening Remarks,” Raghu Sundaram, dean of the NYU Stern School of Business

“Introduction to the Annual Review of Financial Economics,” Andrew Lo, MIT

“Deglobalization: The Rise of Disembedded Unilateralism,” Harold James, Princeton

“Trust and the Future of Finance,” Robert Merton, MIT

“Architecture and Stability of the Financial System,” Franklin Allen, Imperial College

“Financial Crises,” Gary Gorton, Yale

"Accounting Issues that Impact Financial Stability," Stephen Ryan, NYU

“Deregulating Wall Street,” Kim Schoenholtz, NYU

“Causes and Consequences of Mortgage Defaults,” Christopher Foote, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston

“Housing Markets,” Antoinette Schoar, MIT

“Measuring the Cost of Bailouts,” Deborah Lucas, MIT

Fireside Chat with Peter Hancock, former president and CEO of AIG, and Gillian Tett, Financial Times

“Reflections on the Financial Crisis,” Myron Scholes, Stanford

9 November 2018

“Keynote Address: Short-Term Debt, Liquidity, and the Financial Crisis,” Douglas Diamond, University of Chicago

“Intermediary Asset Pricing and the Financial Crisis,” Arvind Krishnamurthy, Stanford

“Leverage,” Tobias Adrian, IMF

“Systemic Risk,” Robert Engle, NYU

“Regulatory Reform,” Andrew Metrick, Yale

“The Role of Central Banking in Crisis Management”
Moderator: Stanley Fischer
Panel: Ben Bernanke, former chair of the US Federal Reserve Board of Governors
Mervyn King, former governor of the Bank of England 
Jean-Claude Trichet, former president of the European Central Bank

Conference Summary, Stanley Fischer

Closing Remarks, Andrew Lo